Whirlwind of a week!!

Love this quilt with the tumbler and Origins charm pack!

Oh BOY!  I had grand plans for last week!  And a lot of things happened, just not anything I had planned!

Funny how that happens….almost all the time!  🙂  hahah!

First of all, we were under-staffed for the first part of the week, with vacations overlapping and some extra orders to process!  🙂  Luckily, I was there (at the shop) and got to help out!  I just love being there and being able to help!  (I sometimes have withdrawals!  it’s hard being so far away!)

So it all worked out, and I’m glad for the way it did.  Once Wednesday came around, we were back to normal and I still had lots to do!  I got a call….you know, the dreaded ‘phone call’….the one where they say your son was doing a back-flip on the trampoline and fell off.  they say he’s fine, but limping and probably should have his foot checked out.  Darn, so off I went to pick him up and find a doctor!  🙂  Actually, it all turned out well.  He didn’t break anything, but deeply bruised his foot and has to stay off of it for the week!!  Ahhh, so much better than a cast.  I won’t lie and say that I wasn’t absolutely freaking out, inside!  School is starting this week, he starts soccer this week too and we still have our family vacation to go on!!  So, really we got very lucky!  He is even able to walk (with a limp) on it now, which is a huge improvement!

I really didn’t get to all that I had planned, but still I had a successful-happy-at least we are all healthy- week!

Life really is what you make of it, isn’t it?

I’m choosing to be happy. {this week, hahahaha}   What are you choosing?


ps.  Find origins fabric here and the tumbler here. {only cause I know someone might ask!}