To Market to Market…a small sampling of our adventure.

What a blast! We had WAY too much fun at Quilt Market and I can’t wait to show and share all the details with you!

First off we started out at ‘School House’. That is where the designers and fabric companies have mini classes to share the new things (books, fabric, patterns etc.) that are coming out. Think of it as happy-fabric-loving women running around like crazy to get from class to class! Seriously. Insane.

I was excited to see the Moda Bakeshop crew promoting the new book they have out. {we have it coming…don’t you worry! I’ll let you know when it comes in!!} It was fun to see power-house bloggers like, Vanessa {from V and CO.} the cute trio of Sweetwater Kim Walus {bitty bits & pieces} and Natalia Bonner.

Seriously, it was a riot. Vanessa was glad she didn’t pee her pants, {her words} and I can attest to that. She did NOT pee her pants, but I can totally understand how nerve-racking that presenting in front of that many people would be!! LOL.

I know, I know…I shouldn’t stop here. We had many-many-more classes that we went to and I plan on filling you in on all of them! Classes, Sample Spree, the show, the booths…Oh-so much!! I just have to get my suit case unpacked and I will fill you in on all the details!
I promise.

See you soon.
