Our March Friday night sew….

img_6517img_6518img_6519img_6520I just had to get a picture (or4) to show you how much fun we have at our Friday night sew!!  We all get together, working on whatever project we need to finish and hang out.  Eat. Tell jokes.  Help each other. Eat.  Have fun.  Oh did I mention that we sew a little too. (and eat)    🙂       We all bring a snack to share and these ladies DO NOT disappoint!! We have had to ask for recipes for most of the things brought in!   I am thinking we should publish the quilters Friday night sew recipe book!!  Wouldn’t that be fun!??!  Even Mom braved it…..She just wouldn’t stay home knowing we were all having fun.   Anyway, I hope you are all crazy busy quilting.  We have some great things coming down the pipe-line.  (you know, that virtual-web-Internet pipeline)  🙂

Be good.  (or be good at it)
