Baby it’s Cold Outside….

We are again home from school/work due to the weather we are having!  We got 3-5 more inches of snow on top of the stuff we got for Christmas, last night.  Today we woke  up to 30 mph winds bringing the temps to -30 degrees.  Yikes, negative thirty….really?!!?  Brrr!  Is all I have to say about that.

So we are home, sipping hot chocolate (yum) with soup simmering on the stove.  I have to admit I really am enjoying a reason to stay in.  Snuggle up with your favorite quilt, watch a movie (or 3), play games….you know.  The relaxing stuff.

The girls of course had other ideas and begged to do ‘projects’.  It is a lot easier now that they can mostly do that, without a ton of supervision.  I have thoroughly enjoyed letting them have creative freedom to make what they want.  So, that is what they did:

work and playThey are working on their own projects, and I am having a blast watching each of them develop their own style.

Better get back to my relaxing day 🙂

Whatever you are doing,  stay warm and enjoy.
