WOWIE WOWIE! 100,000 Subscribers on YouTube! Amazing!

So we had a cool moment this week – if you weren’t paying attention, you would probably have missed it.  We hit the 100,000 subscriber mark on YouTube!  Hold on, let me say that again, we have 100,000 subscribers on YouTube!  CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!??  That means that there are 100,000 people who get notified every week about a new quilting idea or tutorial – a HUNDRED THOUSAND of them!  We can’t hardly imagine 100,000 of anything, but of passionate fans and customers, that is truly amazing!

How many of you were with us from the get go?  Leave us a comment if you’ve seen them all!  Did you know we launched in February of 2010 with our first video?  Mom had never done a tutorial, so we got together with a little point and shoot camera and decided to give it a shot – no mic, no lights, just Mom.  When we started working on it, Mom actually broke her leg when she tripped on the quilt machine (how’s that for blood sweat and tears)!  We were in a time crunch cause Alan was flying out and he had the camera, so with Mom hopped up on pain killers and sitting in a wheelchair (you can tell if you look close, as well as the crutches we didn’t realize were in frame in the back on some of the other videos shot that day) she took her first stab at doing a tutorial 🙂  –

We start trying different ideas and angles to figure out what was most helpful and interesting to customers and fans, and as we made more tutorials, Mom really came into her own.  People connected with her because she is … well she’s just Mom.  She explains stuff so even her non quilting sons can understand it, and that’s her rule.  If one of her boys watched her tutorial, would they know how to do the project.  And they do!  Jake, who does the filming now, made his wife a dresden plate quilt from what is now one of our top 5 most watched tutorials –

The filming continued, the equipment got better, and the filming improved (thanks to our brother Jake who has turned into the industry pro).  We now have multiple shots, filming in HD,  better lighting, and a proper mic so you can hear what mom says.  Also, I think Mom’s hair has gotten way better too 🙂

Recently Updated


It took us over 3 months to get to 1,000 subscribers.  In May 2010 we hit the big 1,000 mark.  Then in March of 2011 (9 months later) we hit 5,000, December of 2012 we reached 50,000, and now we’ve hit the big 100,000 mark!  Pretty cool stuff.

The coolest part is if none of you had taken the time to watch, subscribe, like, comment, shop, email, call, and give love, we would have had to stop early on at the four patch tutorial done on our goofy home camera.  But because of the continued support and love, think of all the other videos you have made possible!  So I guess what we’re trying to say here is THANK YOU!  Thank you so much!  Thank you for letting us do what we love and more importantly, for loving what we do!  We love you all!

Wishlist changes here at MSQC

Hey everyone, it’s me Al, the computer guy again. I wanted to take a quick second and explain some changes we’ve been working on for the website.

We used to have a wishlist that was just that … a really long list of stuff you liked but weren’t quite ready to buy. Well, we figured there was a lot more involved here than just a closet to put stuff for a while, so we put our heads together to try and figure out something cool.

We realized that when shopping for fabric, you have multiple lists you might need to keep. For instance, every quilt you plan on making should be able to be a list (baby quilt, quilt for karen, big star quilt). Maybe you’d want a list for your “someday” items, like a pair of Gingher scissors or that Oliso Auto Lift iron mom uses. Maybe you finally found those 2-3 shades of thread you actually like, put them on a list so shopping is easy! Or what about a list for your friends birthday that you can share around with friends and each buy something off the list for her big day. There are a lot of ideas you all have already come up with while we’ve been testing this, and we’re excited to help you all keep being creative, and to share your creativity with friends!

So take a second and head over to the site, login, and start adding things to your lists, let us know what sort of lists you’re coming up with, and if this is helpful, we hope it will be!

Just making it easier to shop for fabric here at the Missouri Star

We had an idea, we get a bunch of calls from people trying to figure out what shade of a solid is the right fit for your project, and we’ve been thinking of how we can help you figure this out easier.  So we had an idea, what if we took a photo of each yardage next to a black and a white bolt so you can tell what shade of the color is your going to get, sort of give you a point of reference.  So we did a test run and wanted to see what you thought?  If you like it, we’ll do it for all of them, what do you think?

Bella Solids – 30’s Yellow
Bella Solids – Christmas Red
Bella Solids – Dusk Yardage
Bella Solids – Etchings Stone
Bella Solids Burgundy
Bella Solids – Fig Tree Wheat
Bella Solids – Horizon Blue
Bella Solids - Hyacinth
Bella Solids – Hyacinth
Bella Solids – Kiwi
Bella Solids – Pale Pink
Bella Solids Snow

Mail in Machine Quilting Miracles

I am excited to share this picture with you all today.

2 Customer Quilts
2 Customer Quilts

Aren’t these quilts gorgeous?  We loved them the minute we opened the box they came in from a customer to be machine quilted.  In the box was a letter from the quilter explaining that she had taken these two quilts in to be quilted at her local shop and was turned away.  Her local shop said that they were unable to quilt it, because “they just weren’t straight enough”.

Can you imagine … gorgeous quilts like this being turned away?!  Now, we have seen some pretty rumply quilts in our day, and neither of these were bad at all.  We’re not going to say that we make magic happen with every quilt, but with some effort most things can be quilted.  Don’t get discouraged if your project isn’t perfect; most quilts are just fine, and remember, the results get better with every quilt!

When we machine quilted these quilts, we just loved how they turned out and so did the customer.  We absolutely love quilting the amazing things you send us.  There’s nothing better than opening up a box with someone’s unique creation inside – it’s such a great part of our day!  If you haven’t already checked out our online machine quilting section you really should by clicking here. We are continually updating our patterns that are available and will increase our batting options in the future.  If there is something you’d like, but you don’t see it give us a call.  We just might be able to help.

Hope you get lots of quilting done this week!
Have a great day.