Road-trip with friends! A visit from Tennessee!

A few weeks ago (yes, I am sorry. i’m a bit behind.) we had a wonderful visit from 3 friends!  They road tripped together all the way from Tennessee!  They got to Hamilton Thursday before we closed, and we were able to visit and meet them.  Then they were off for dinner and a good nights sleep!

They brought sewing machines and projects to work on, so Friday morning they hauled it all in and set up camp!  We had such a blast with them.  Any questions they had were answered, and they had live tutorials all day long!

All of us girls together! Having a blast at the Quilt Shop!

One of them even started and finished a jelly roll race quilt!

By the time they left Saturday evening we were sad to see them go!  We just fell in love with those girls!  I felt like we had known them forever.  We just laughed and laughed.

We really can’t wait for them to visit again!  And if you are thinking of coming for a visit, please do!  We’d love to have you!  And when we are in our new space we’ll have more room for you to bring your machines and sew the day away with us!



You got time to lean, you got time to clean….

That is a phrase we’ve said, or heard for a long time!  That is just how we are.  Always busy-going non-stop!  Mom was always the one that had more energy and ambition than all of us, and believe me when I tell you she’d move rooms around ‘just for fun.’   We have grown up loving ‘a good project’ as Mom would call it.  She loved buying old houses and re-working them into something amazing. (and livable!) LOL!


So, even though most of our time is made up running the shop, answering emails and cutting fabric…we just need to get our hands dirty too!  Mom and I (and Katie) worked on our soon-to-be classroom and office area.  Getting things prepped and ready for paint and carpet.  Pulled nails, scraped old tile off the floor, re-organized stuff, and moved a lot of things around!

What is it about the last bit that can be so overwhelming?  Really, we have gotten a TON done.  (and fast, too) But then you list out the rest of what needs to happen and you get overwhelmed again.  We are still getting things done at a fast pace and still hope to be in there in a few short weeks…Here is a bit of the progress we’ve made this week.

Look at all that lumber! Just imagine these as awesome shelves for all the bolts of fabric we have!!
Working together gets the job done much faster!!
Multi-talented! This girl gets stuff DONE!
This is the view I’ve seen most of my husband lately. I’d know him anywhere by those legs! (and boots) Haha!
Here is a look at the sheet rock! Even the kids are excited!!

Lots more happening!  I got the carpet picked out on Saturday. (super excited about that!) And the sheet-rock is looking amazing!!!  I really can hardly wait to see it all painted and done!!  Man alive, it’s going to be beautiful!!

Now we have to get plumbing together for the bathrooms (Dad will be busy with that.) and get all the fixtures and cabinets for the bathrooms and break room.  Dad has been the go-to over there, just running the show!   Did I tell you he is making a built in display for thread?  That is going to be awesome!

And Bob and Bernice have already started on the display shelves!  Worked their buns off Saturday, and made huge progress!!  (Deloris and James….if they are keeping score (and it’s very possible Bernice is they are, you better get over there and help!)  hahah, kidding of course!

You guys have a great week!! Can’t wait to show you more!  Everyday it looks better, and gets closer to being done!  We sure appreciate all of your kind comments and to all our local friends who have helped us.  THANK YOU!  We wouldn’t be here with out you all!  (and we know that!!)



Coming together….

I had to take a minute to give you all another update!!  The sheet-rock (or drywall, whatever you want to call it!) was delivered.  (I know, I already told you that.)  But I am just so excited…they already started hanging the ceiling and it already looks 100% better!!!

Here, take a  look:

Lovely. Right?

Here is a better shot of the ceiling…

I can’t wait to see it this weekend!!  Rumor has it they are done hanging the rock and are mudding and taping!!

One more week and we should be ready to paint!!  OH MY!!  This is really picking up steam now!!!

I’ll try to get you better updated pictures this weekend!

Monday, I took a rare moment and started a sewing project!  I did the ‘double sliced layer cake’ tutorial, and it went so fast!!

I just wanted to show you all a picture of my progress.  I am waiting for the weekend to get it all together. (darn, time.  I sure wish I had more of it!)

Here it is laid out and waiting for borders.  I used the new line Vintage Modern, and I LOVE it!!

Hope you have a great day!

Delivery: Sheetrock! It’s coming together.

I just had to pop in here quick like and let you know the Sheetrock is being delivered today!!!  OH MY!  I can’t believe it!  You know,  once that goes up, it’s going to look like more of a store and less like a disaster!!  (also, the roofers came Tuesday and Wednesday, so if it rains this weekend we should be good!)  Thank Heaven!

I am so excited, I can hardly wait!!

Yay-for progress!!



Update: the good, bad and the ugly.

Buying old buildings have, let’s just say… up’s and downs!  We aren’t new to the work it takes to make them beautiful, but it can be quite a roller coaster!  We have all the old paneling ripped out, all new electrical run, all new lights wired, all the (well most of the insulation) scooped up-bagged and hauled out. We’ve filled a huge dumpster several times over and burned a lot of wood.  Mostly we love it!

Dad, Seth (my husband) and Al have been working non-stop on the little (LOL) project and have made huge progress!!  We have two new bathrooms framed in and duct work and all the other ‘lines’ you need for a new furnace ran.  Progress is good. (and expensive!!!)

Then….it rained! It rained through the roof.  You know, puddles on the floor?!? That was a pretty stressful day.  We figured out where it was coming in (kind of) and came to the realization that we needed a new roof!  OUCH!  (remember though, it has apartments above it, and it also came through those. gulp.)  Then it leaked around the front windows…the insulation was soaked.

Positive attitudes prevail, and we were glad that the new sheet rock wasn’t up yet and glad to see where the problems are and can fix them.  Silver lining, people!!  🙂

Mom was excited about all the lights in her studio…here is a pic of her showing me where she will sew…hahaha can you see it?  She’s pushing fabric through her imaginary sewing machine?

Oh and here she is showing us the bathroom….no explanation on what she is demonstrating.  (oh, MOM)

There is more wiring and more insulation!!  Will it ever end??  It feels like you are in the destruction state of remodel, forever sometimes!!

The kids doing what they LOVE…playing and burning!  They have been such troopers!  They helped us haul wood and bags of trash out all day!  (well, between playing and chasing each other all around the parking lot!)

Look at the windows.  We had the shutters and the trim painted white.  Doesn’t it look marvelous?  We have had people ask where we bought the shutters and if we found the trim pieces in the basement!  They have been there all the time!!  They just needed a little updating!  Sparkling white really does the trick!!

Here is a look of the front of the building during the painting process.  Oh boy, do I have some BIG plans for that overhang!!  I am pretty sure you will LOVE it!

So, yes.  This is it.  This is what we’ve been up to!  Feverishly, trying to get it all done by May (ish) and hoping that we have all the BIG issues fixed!  We are getting more and more excited about getting in here and decorating.  It has so much room!  We are planning the shelving units now.  (Bob and James…are you ready to start building??)

We hope you all had a wonderful weekend enjoying the Holiday!  We sure did!  It was beautiful weather and wonderful to visit with the family!  (no work involved!  well, only if you don’t count cooking and cleaning up dinner as work!)

Talk to you soon!
