Project Notes Notebook (Free Printable and Tutorial!)

If you’re like me, you scribble notes about your project on whatever is nearby. A receipt, on the back of junk mail, etc. That’s why I love this little notebook! It’s so easy to make, and full of graph paper, which is perfect for figuring out the specifics of your next quilt (and keeping them all in one place)!

In less than an hour you can make one of your own. And the best part is, you probably already have everything you need.


What you’ll need for one notebook:

1 sheet of 8.5 x 11 cardstock in your favorite color
5 sheets of 8.5 x 11 printer paper or graph paper
About 3 feet of book binding string (or embroidery floss will work fine, too!)
Sewing needle
Rotary cutter, ruler, and mat
And this file, printed onto the sheet of cardstock


Step 1: Print the free .pdf onto your cardstock. Use your ruler to measure 5.5″ and cut the paper in half. Fold in half as shown in this picture. Now you have two covers. Hopefully you’ll love the first one enough to make another for a friend!


Step 2: Open the cover and starting 1/2 inch from the top, make a mark every quarter inch along the spine ending 1/2 an inch before the bottom as well. Poke a hole with the sewing needle on each mark.


Step 3: Then cut and fold the graph paper just like you did the cardstock.


Step 4: Using the cover as a template, poke holes in the inside paper, a few sheets at a time.


Step 5: Once your paper is all folded and punched, it’s time to start sewing. Start on the top hole, and draw your thread through the cardstock and all five sheets of inside paper. Sew back to the outside.


Step 6: Double knot the string and clip the end.

Step 7: Go back down the second hole. Once you are inside the book again, come back up the third hole and loop under the thread between the first and second hole. Then go down the third hole again. Repeat down the entire spine.




Step 8: Once you get to the end, come out the last hole, loop through the previous threads one more time and tie it of with a double knot. Trim the ends of the thread.


This is what the inside and outside will look like:

DSC_0252    DSC_0250

Step 9: Using your rotary cutter and ruler, trim the edges of your book so they are uniform.


You’re all done! Wouldn’t these make such a great gift with a charm pack or two? Enjoy!
