Fun finds….

I saw these necklaces  while blog stalking surfing the web and wanted to share them with you!  Peptogirl is the woman behind this great Indie business and creator of some super cute crafty stuff!!  3097473616_628aa60ac6 This blue one is my favorite…..But honestly I am smitten by them all!!


3097475654_73ecfb7f41Really, who wouldn’t want an adorable necklace like that!?!?  It is screaming “yeah, I am crafty and I make crafty look GOOD!!”

Here’s hoping for an amazing weekend for you all!  I will be running the shop alone today…..Natalie and Jenny (aka Mama) are at a Quilt  no fair, I am so jealous show taking some quilt classes….

Things are good.  Really good.  We are gearing up for some pretty fun things around here.  Lots and lots to do.  But we will keep you posted on our progress….Promise!

Happy weekend!!