Okay, so the truth is out. I LOVE the disappearing nine patch. I have been raving about it like a crazy woman in the shop.

Another thing that I just adore is when someone I have talked to about it, brings back something she’s made and shows off her quilt top! Those things combined equals the best.day.ever!! 😉 This amazing lady (who chose to conceal her identity 🙂 ) has already made two of these quilts. (yes, I said two..and I think she’s planning on a few more!) Her first was with the Soiree charm pack (Lila Tueller) and it was so darling! Well, I just about had a fit when she brought this quilt in…..using our new Micheal Miller fabric and some bright Moda fat quarters! I love how BOY it is….and how bright and fun it is! Thanks Mystery Lady for stopping by to give me my very own show and tell!!

So, thanks again for stopping by to say hi and don’t forget to sign up for our giveaway…..and join us in the forums!!
{I promise we don’t bite…not too hard anyway!}