I just had to share this great email I got, from Prudy! I just love hearing stories like this! Family is the best, and sharing the love of quilting! What could be better?!?
The day after Thanksgiving 3 of my daughters, 3 of my granddaughtes and my cousin and I went “deer hunting”, that’s a little note of fun, usually what the guys all did and packed off to Northern Michigan. We, on the other hand, rented the beautiful Dixboro Inn, an old stage coach stop between Detroit and Ann Arbor. Fully equipped with 10 single beds, folding banquet tables and wonderful lighting. Ahh, heaven!
Our first night there I gave everyone surprises I had made, jars modge podged with the fabrics left on the edge of the charms after cutting 5″ tumblers from a sweet little Benatrex charm pack from MSQ (also the template. Which as soon as I get the next border on I will post. My gals ranged from very experienced to not at all. The first night (Fri) they made their aprons and were so proud of them, they never took them off. My g/d’s wore theirs to Meijers to purchase more t-towels. Saturday we sewed all day. Jenny’s charm pin wheels…………I never sewed much cause I am Mom and g-ma and manned the computer all day running MSQC tutorials for them to see. Thanks MSQC.
Thanks again Prudy, for sharing your fun family story with us! It reminds me of our own girls weekends we have! You all look like a fun bunch, we need to plan a retreat, so we can all get together!!