Circles are your friend….

For real!  Could this be any cuter?  Stripey-strip circles just might be my new favorite thing.   I know, I know.  I sound like an obnoxious adolescent that exclaims every song on the radio her favorite. (hey I can say that…I have one!)  🙂  I just get so excited about all the possibilities these pre-cuts give me!!  The convenience alone is enough to win me over! (See the original full tutorial after the jump)

Think of all the scraps you could use.   ( we all have them.  just admit it.)  We are considering starting a “Quilters Anonymous” for all of us fabric hoarders.   Hahaha!!  🙂  Who wants to be President?

Okay, seriously.  I want to mention a few things….Did you see us featured on the MODA BAKESHOP!??!?!  (not. even. kidding!)   We were thrilled.  (okay, okay….maybe more like ‘over the moon’-screaming-jumping up and down-excited) no, really.  You should have seen us.  🙂

Thank you Moda, for that.  We love your fabric and can’t get enough of the pre cuts!

If you haven’t already WHAT are you waiting for!??!?!!?  TRY a Jelly Roll, you won’t regret it!  {i pinkie swear}

Don’t forget to enter the  two giveaways we have going on right now….one in the forums (easy as ever to enter.  just leave a comment) and the Jelly roll one as well.   Only a few days left to enter!
Continue reading “Circles are your friend….”

Easy Peasy Bag….

If you are anything like us, we assume y’all get a “hanker-ing” to make a purse or tote bag.  🙂  Jelly rolls make it easy, that’s why we LOVE them!

We hope you are enjoying all of the possiblities you have when you use these great Jelly Rolls.

*jelly roll used for the purse shown was a Zippity Doo Dah, by Sandy Gervais

Strips and more…the fence rail kind

The fence rail, in my opinion is a fabulous go-to block.  It is quick and virtually pain free.  The best part for me about using a Jelly roll for this quilt (and pattern) is the variety you get.  I am all about the ‘scrappier’ look, and LOVE that it all coordinates!  It really  does make my life so much easier.  🙂

Another variation on the fence rail, would be to use less strips (or more) than we did.  You could also have the same fabric strip as the center and it would make a zig- zag design throughout the whole quilt.  (super cool….But, you may already know all of that!)  🙂

So, have you opened up a delicious jelly roll yet!?!?  Any projects under way?  I am dying to know….

*fabric used in our quilt was  one Fig and Plum Jelly Roll, by Fig Tree & Co. (moda) and coordinating fabric for the border.

“Gooseberries”, a Jelly Roll Quilt

The Jelly roll pattern we are featuring today is called



This was inspired by a quilt I saw several weeks ago though but I don’t know who to credit for it or even it’s original name.  This is somewhat different than the original though, what I loved about the original quilt was how the geese flew through the blocks!  So I took that idea and ran!  I framed them in a jelly roll friendly pattern that I thought would look good with our geese and decided on the “Berry Delicious” jelly roll by Sew Treasured for Moda.   It worked perfectly!  The colors and patterns split just right and I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out!

Just so you know I used 40 different fabric strips on this quilt with scraps leftover to fix a few mistakes 🙂  (Always cut and sew carefully!)  And I completed the top in 2 afternoons with only a few whining children and 1 helpful husband!Gooseberries2

To start you need to separate your strips.
I began by finding my darkest and lightest since they would be focal points of the blocks Continue reading ““Gooseberries”, a Jelly Roll Quilt”

Tube Quilting Technique!

So this is an AMAZING, fun and fast way to make a block, that has the look of a “string quilt” block or  an hourglass block.   The cool thing about this idea is that you are able to either make it very matchy-matchy or you have the freedom to make it very random and scrappy.  Their are also a lot of other ways to put it together, and you achieve a totally different look however you choose to lay it out!

All kinds of ideas are mulling around in my head of what else is possible with this technique.   Jelly Rolls make this so easy, too!  (I already have plans to piece one with honey bun strips.)  I can’t wait to show you!  I swear, once you try it you will be SO hooked.

Here is the ‘Main’ tutorial for the technique…..Oh man, you are gonna love it.
Continue reading “Tube Quilting Technique!”