Labor {less} Day!

Can you believe that this ‘officially’ means summer is over!??!  *sniff*sniff  It kinda makes me sad.  Just a little though, because I love Fall.  I love football, cooler weather,   plus I get a lot more quilting done in the Fall and winter.  🙂   Life just seems to slow down a bit, you know?!?!


I wish we could bottle up these last few weeks of nice weather and break into them this winter after we’ve forgotten.  🙂

Enjoy your weekend as much as possible….doing whatever it is you love!

I know I will.

T-Shirt Quilts…

Have you ever wanted to make a T-shirt quilt?  Do you have boxes of t-shirts that mean something to you, yet you don’t wear them anymore?

I think the best way to put them to use (and clean out that closet) is to make a t-shirt quilt.  We just recently did a custom quilt for a woman to give to her daughter to take away to college.  She used all of her team sports t- shirts through out her school years.  She chose a really cute fabric for the back of the quilt…..Which I think was the best idea ever.  Now, not only does she have her t-shirts somewhere permanent, she has a quilt that is reversible.  So, if she doesn’t want to have her t-shirts on the top of her bed, she has a side that matches her style and looks super fabulous!  Bonus!  (she chose the Riley Blake, multi flower for the back and the blue dot for sashing)

Check out that cute fabric for the back….how sweet is that!??!

I love that it really is a memory quilt and a great gift for a graduate.  What a great thing to send them with to college.

Ok, so you’ve seen the more ‘feminine’ quilt……Now check out this more ‘masculine’ one…..

Look at how awesome all those concert T’s look! Sweet!

The story behind this quilt is:

This Guy (who will remain nameless) brought in a laundry basket full of his old T-shirts.  He said he wanted a quilt made out of these T-shirts, that this represented his childhood.  He wanted to preserve his memories.   (his words, not mine!)

How cool is that!?

So, if you are ‘on the fence’ about trying a T-shirt quilt….don’t be a chicken.  You can do it, and you will probably enjoy it.  Sure, it isn’t traditional ‘quilting’, look at it as preserving someones memories.  I think putting your t-shirts into a quilt is way better than having a box, or trash bag full in the closet.

Question:  Have you made a t-shirt quilt?  Are you opposed to them, or do you love them!?  I’d love to know!

*all custom piecing and quilting  on both of these amazing t-shirt quilts was done by Natalie.  Thank you Natalie.  You rock.

Working away….


The girls are busy as pie trying to get our fall samples up.  We are having a blast putting ideas together for our Fall Class schedule and thinking of new ways to decorate the shop.  Life is good here at MSQC.  We have lots of new fabric and patterns coming in all the time.  I am beyond excited about some top secret plans I have for tutorials and project ideas!!  🙂

If you are ever in the area come by and say hi….we would love to chat and hang out with you!

*Come join us Friday  for our Friday night Sew…..We will start at 6pm and go till Midnight.