Five Essentials for the Sewing Room

1. Efficient Space

When piecing together any project, you’re going to want a wide open space to ease the process of designing, piecing, and cutting. Allow yourself an area designated for a large enough cutting board for the type of projects you normally do. Buy a fabric wall or create your own for even more savvy space in your area.

2. Adequate Lighting

Sewing Lights

Create an area full of efficient lighting to see your project clearly from beginning to end. For extra help, pick up some lighting that has a magnifier attached to keep your color coordination sharp and reduce any other hard-to-see errors.

3. Nifty Notions

Fill your sewing area with handy tools that are only an arm’s reach away and ready to roll! Here are just a few things you won’t want to find yourself without once you start sewing!

Rulers & Templates of all sorts are great to have, but these three are exceptionally useful!

1) Medium Seam Marker
2) Binding Tool
3) Missouri Star 5″ X 15″ Ruler

4. Storage Solutions

Sewing Storage Solutions

You’re going to need a practical place to store all of the notions you have gathered. Explore our selection of storage essentials to help get you organized! Find a place to store anything from fabric and rulers to pins and needles!

5. A Creative Environment

To start any good project, one needs motivation. Create a space in which you find yourself surrounded in inspiration. Design it to your tastes. Make an area that you feel comfortable in, but also allows for your creativity to grow! Scroll through these patterns to discover a wall hanging you can add your own flare to and finish off a sewing room personalized to your own tastes!

Motivational Monday Free Printable: Part 2

Motivational Monday on the MSQC Blog

Strive for Progress not Perfection! | Free Art Printable Download
Click on the image to download your free printable!


As a quilter, I often find myself looking to other quilts for inspiration. There are so many amazing quilts being made every single day (check out our #msqcshowandtell on Instagram for some excellent examples), so between that and weekly MSQC Tutorials, it’s pretty easy to come up with a long quilting bucket list, meticulously prioritized by how excited I am to try out a pattern.

The part that kind of sneaks up on you is that it’s also easy to go to those same sources of inspiration and then compare your quilt to theirs. Maybe your points aren’t as pointy or your squares don’t line up as perfectly as theirs. I’m here to tell you that it’s okay! Don’t compare your work to that of a professional quilter. You are on your own quilting journey! Your latest quilt is probably a little bit better than the last one or maybe you’re more confident to try slightly more difficult patterns. Wherever you are on your quilting journey today, decide to BE HAPPY with the progress you’ve made since your first quilt!

So, enjoy your quilting journey and take the time to celebrate successes. While you’re at it, click on the image above to download your own copy of this adorable word art, so you can print and display it in your sewing room! We hope you can display this printable somewhere that will help you remember how good life is when you  make time for quilting! Happy Motivational Monday and Happy National Quilting Week! #makesomethingtoday