Hot cakes…

Another quilt is done….as in, pieced, quilted and bound!  Yay!  SO I thought I would take some pictures for you before I hang it in the shop.

This beautiful quilt was made by a very good friend of ours.  She does amazing work and we just love her to pieces.  The pattern she used is called Hot cakes, by  Mary’s Cottage Quilts. We used the Collections for a Cause, Legacy layer cake.  It went together pretty easy and fast (and we had enough fabric left over that we got a baby quilt out of the same pattern!)

Well, how was your weekend?!!?  Ours was pretty good.  My Dad had surgery last week, and is still recovering.  So we thought a little Wii golf would lift his spirits!  SO fun.  (well, and of course a little chocolate cakes didn’t hurt either!)

Valentines day is coming up…so we have some fun little things (projects) and such, lined up for you.  The rest of the week we will be devoted to all things ‘LOVE’.  SO stay tuned…

Have a great day!  I know I will!  (all the laundry and housework catch up for me!  WHOO!)


Collections For a Cause

This quilt is made for a family friend who is struggling with terminal cancer. p4070075p4130109I wanted to give her something that would be meaningful, but, I also needed to get it done quickly so I went with a simple hourglass block made from a Collections for a Cause layer cake.  I felt really good about spending money on this fabric because it directly benefits cancer research. I think it turned out really lovely. Hope she likes it as well!