We were thrilled with the huge response to our Cyber Monday specials (and that faster server) that we are still recovering from all the love! (aka: orders!!)
THANK YOU! I just wanted to share that we are working as hard as we possibly can to get all the orders out and to you as soon as possible! However, it might not be quite as fast as you’re used too!
I don’t have any more family members I can con into working for us, and am looking for more helpers!! LOL!
Things are just hopping and I can hardly believe that we are in December now! (hello, December.) I have a pretty exciting month of giveaways planned and can’t wait to share it with you! Watch in your email for the newsletter! It’s gonna be a good one!
Have a wonderful day!!
As a side note, if you are still seeing an old daily deal on the site, just hit the refresh button and you’ll get the new one. We are fixing that little quirk as we speak! – Al