Embroidery…and a little decorating

‘White Christmas tree, white Christmas tree….how lovely are your branches.”

Well, if you were paying attention, I mentioned in my last post that we had some snow days to spend together and that I still hadn’t decorated yet….  Here is what we came up with.  This year we have a WHITE Christmas tree.  ( i got it on CLEARANCE after Christmas last year)  So lucky.  Anyway, I have been dying to make a pom-pom garland FOREVER, and finally bought all the pom-pom’s I could find.  (no, really.  It’s true)   Yesterday, my girls and I watched a movie and strung those bright (awesome – cute-can you tell I’m excited) pom-pom’s together.  We all had a blast and it was fairly easy.  (7 year old stuck herself a time or two with a needle.  Only a few tears, and we were done.)    So, today we decorated the tree in non-breakable ornaments, aka 2 year old proof.

I used to decorate anyway, and be all diligent about keeping the little hands off the tree….Not this year.  It is so much less stress….I don’t fret one bit about the ornaments being thrown across the room, during a make believe baseball game.  I am happy with it, and really glad that I am not constantly in fear.

After all that I figured I better get started on my embroidery project…..this one is so cute.  So, tedious…..but so worth it!  (by tedious, I mean lots of small intricate details.  But that is what makes it so charming)

Here is a peak:

How cute are those presents? And cakes?

Believe me.  It is darling.  But, it is gonna take me a while.  I will show you when it’s all finished.  I promise.

So, what is keeping you busy this week?  Any one else been stuck at home?  🙂  Heheeh….really I have enjoyed it.  The kids and I are having a great time.   I think cookie baking is next on the list.  Yes, baking and decorating!  Mmmm…and fudge.  Let’s make fudge.

Have a great day.

ps. sorry about the bad picture quality.