We are always working on things and at any point we probably have a dozen things in various stages of completion. We get overly excited to share things with you all and sometimes we can’t wait…. take this quilt for example.

It’s a terrible cellphone picture, but it shows a bit of what we did with it. I can hardly wait to get the tutorial out for this one! It is so fun and easy with a little twist on something you already know!! 🙂
The fabric is adorable, it’s a new line from Riley Blake called Alphabet Soup. It comes in boy or girl colorways and I just love it!! It is definitely a refreshing addition to the baby (especially specific gender) lines. It seems like we are always lacking a good baby line. Not anymore.
Did you have a good weekend? Finish any thing or get any sewing done? The Quilt shop was insanely BUSY this weekend and we had a lot of out of town visitors!! {which we LOVE} Today we are just going to focus on catching up. And boy do I have a lot of that to do.
The kids had a great first day of school and I am busy trying to get a schedule together and get back on track. My youngest had his pre-school orientation this morning (which is why the blog is late) I can’t believe he will start classes on Wednesday. (only half day, thankfully cause I would be really, really lonely)
What a crazy fast summer that was, for us. I am excited though, looking forward to Fall. I have some fun house projects I need to work on, especially curtains. I take my precious time trying to decide on what I want and I think I am close to having it all figured out! Don’t worry, I plan on sharing my progress.
Have a wonderful day today! I hope you can get back into the groove and get some things on your list crossed off!