A notebook cover…

yes, its from the same honey bun! Fresh, by Deb Strain.  We  seem to have a bit of a notebook buying problem around here! I think it leads back to my dad who always has (and still does) shopped the back to school sales! Stocking up on notebooks! We write a lot, take lots of notes, make lists of everything. and its spreading…we recently found a notebook full of lists made by Hillary’s daughter Ally…things like  “the ten things I love…” followed closely by “the ten things I hate…”(and many more lists)!  🙂 We LOVED reading through her lists! My boys draw pictures all the time (I have notebooks filled with drawings) and my daughter Hannah sits and writes…she is constantly asking me to spell words for her. Her most recent thing has been listing all of her relatives by name and listing them in families. Then she orders them by age! Its so funny but, hey she’s keeping busy right?! (a tiny bit of OCD? I don’t know where she gets that? 😳 )

So, on to the project!

We are making an adorable cover for your standard 70 sheet notebook.p3230017The first thing you will do is select eleven strips from your honey bun. Cut them down to 18″ in length. Then lay them out and start sewing them together.  you will then have a piece of fabric that looks something like this:p3230023Next, you will add your fusible fleece liner to make this baby a bit more sturdy: p4020068I would cut it smaller than your seam allowances from top to bottom, and the same size from end to end.  (mine is 9″ x 18″)Because you don’t want those seams to be too bulky when you flip it around and I didn’t want mine to show at the top and bottom of the notebook. (You will catch it in your side seams.)Iron it to the wrong side of the fabric.

Next, you’ll cut two pieces of a coordinating fabric. 8 1/2″ x 11″p3230021Fold and iron one edge of each piece and sew under.

If you would like to add a pocket to the inside flap…now would be the best time!  Just cut a piece of fabric (mine is 3 1/2″ x 10″) fold it in half to make it 31/2″ x 5″. sew it right sides together. leave a space to flip it. Turn it right side out…poke out your corners, and sew in place! Instant pocket!


Next, you will pin all your layers, right sides together: I also wanted to add a little piece of grosgrain ribbon for a bookmark! Pin it all!!!


Now sew all your layers together, flip it right side out and push out those corners!  As one final step, you will sew a little seam in between your flaps at the top and bottom of your notebook cover as shown:p3230032And…your finally done! Here is a photo of the finished product! p3230036

aaww so cute!
aaww so cute!

Alright, coming soon…this is it! I think I have finally exhausted this honey bun! and now….a sneak peek:p4020069Yup, that’s all you get! I wont say when it will be finished or what it is! Let’s just say I love it…and I think you will too! Just wait and see!

Have a lovely day!


Instant Ironing Board! – UPDATED

Sorry about that last post…We got so excited about posting it that it went threw without the pictures!  So here you go …I present….The Miracle ironing board!

Our shop is getting busy enough and big enough that the girls think I should sew in the back. Natalie made this cute corner for me to sew in. Today I was working on a block and realized I didn’t have an ironing board. A light when on! In the shop we carry a batting called insul-brite. I could make what amounts to a giant pot holder to iron on so…I used 2 pieces of insul brite, and cut the top the size I wanted .

Fabric and Batting
Fabric and Insul Brite

I then cut 2 pieces of fabric just a little larger that the insul brite. I put my fabric right sides together and sewed it up on 3 sides. I then turned the fabric right side out and slid in the insul brite.

Sliding in the insu-lbrite
Sliding in the insu-lbrite

I then top stiched all around the edge.

Top Stitching all around the top
Top Stitching all around the top

I finished it by machine quilting the top.

Finished Product

Voila, I have a portable ironing board and a really big pot holder!

We have… another WINNER!

Who’s ready to hear the winner of the Weekly Giveaway we have every week in the forum?

I am!!! So here it is!  DanielaK is the winner of a free Hartfield Charm Pack!

Apparently persistense pays off because DanielaK has been playing along with us since we started this weekly game!!  So, congratulations and thanks for playing along!  We’re excited for you and we’ll be sending your Hartfield Charm Pack soon!

We’d also like to give a nod to last week’s winner, shell.scraps!

She won a Baskets of Blessings Pattern!

A giant THANK YOU to everyone who participated by letting us know your most intimidating quilt pattern. We had some great posts, and some gorgeous pictures. (Seriously! I was impressed ladies!)

If you don’t know what the heck we’re talking about (you’re not alone,) let us catch you up!  Each week we have a giveaway for anyone who responds to a question we ask on the community forum.  All you have to do is be part of the discussion and you’re automatically  entered to win.  Add a pic to your post and you double your chances!

For full details about the Weekly Giveaway, click here.

To learn how to register and use the forum, click here.

There’s a new giveaway up RIGHT NOW! So come join the conversation!

On the machine…..


Our Gammil has been rockin’ out the quilts lately and I just thought you would like a little look-see at what was on it this very minute!  We have been loving this  one and its bright colors.  Isn’t it amazing how that turquoise really makes the other fabric and colors pop!?  I love it.

Honestly, one of my favorite things in the business of quilting is seeing what other people put together…..the color combinations, the different patterns.  It is amazing how each quilt you make has it’s own personality, too!

So, here is your little sneak peak into the shop today.  Have a fabulous Friday!! And if you are in town, we hope to see you tonight for the Friday Night Sew!!  It’s gonna be a blast!


Anyone else ready for Spring?


It is cold here.  AGAIN.  Yes, we have been teased by the 70 degree weather and then sucker punched by last weekends snowstorm.  The very next day, the temperature was in the 50’s.  It’s so cruel if you ask me.  I am tired.  Tired of being cold.  Yesterday was lovely.  Today, not so much!!   🙂

My kids had a blast playing in the snow for the last time this year, though……and that made it fun.  So, today I will stay inside and sew…..drink a cup or 5 of hot chocolate (yes, i will try not to spill on my project)  and remember that             Spring/Summer will be here before we know it!

How’s the weather where you are?  Do you like the cold? Do you get more of your projects done when it’s yucky outside?  Or does the weather even matter to you!?!?!  Let’s discuss.