The Giveaway…..


You better hurry it up!  Today is the LAST day to enter!Clickity-click on this and comment on the giveaway post, and BAM you will be entered to win that amazing prize!!  HELLO-  Did you hear that it was ONE JELLY ROLL and ONE LAYER CAKE!?!??!  Seriously.  That is a BIG giveaway.  HUGE. So tell your friends.  Fast.  This is it Ladies… last chance.  (almost like the last chance workout.  almost)

On the machine…

We have been super busy this last week!! Which is great 🙂 Ladies (and Gents)  keep em coming!

I wanted to spotlight this amazing quilt… It is a scrappy quilt made by one of our local librarians, and it is gorgeous! This is a paper pieced quilt,  and the main block is called pineapple.  (?)  Each block has 37 different pieces of fabric!!  I was just in awe of this quilt.

p2220023p2220024And all the borders had this beautiful applique on them!

We machine quilted the simple feather meander pattern on it and it turned out great…I love how the machine quilting enhances the design!


Monday, Monday…

So, technically Monday is my day off…..which really means that I get to stay home and WORK my buns off, to prepare for me being gone the rest of the week!  Hahahaha, so sneaky, that day “off ” is!!  🙂  But don’t think I am complaining….cause I’m not.   I really enjoy it.  I do.  Who doesn’t love laundry and dishes….fighting to keep the dishwasher loaded while my 18 month old unloads it!?  It is a fun time right now, having Ms.E and Mr. J to keep me on my toes!

I have had a million ideas come to mind this weekend…..projects and ideas of things we will want to share.  We have some tutorials in the works that are gonna be fun too.   I swear your gonna love it!  🙂

Oh yeah, don’t forget to blog about the giveaway….and if you haven’t already, go comment on the giveaway post so you will be sure to be entered!! (only a few more days!)   Don’t be shy, tell your friends.  Spread the fabric love!  🙂

Okay, I am going to go back to the housework, so I can get on to the fun stuff… know, like sewing, creating and sharing it with you!!  🙂

Have a great day!


ps.. I tried to get a picture on here, cause we all know it would be more exciting with one.  However, it is NOT working for me.   I will talk to the Handsome, single computer guy to fix the situation.  But, if you really wanna know, it is probably ME, and NOT the computer!  🙂

The bloggers poem

I asked the Lord to tell me
Why my house is such a mess.
He asked if I’d been ‘computering’,
And I had to answer ‘yes.’

He told me to get off my fanny
And tidy up the house.
And so I started cleaning up…
The smudges off my mouse.

I wiped and shined the topside.
That really did the trick…
I was just admiring my work…

I didn’t mean to ‘click.’

But click, I did, and oops I found
A real absorbing site.
That I got SO way into.
I was into it all night.<<Sigh>>

Nothing’s changed except my mouse
It’s very, very shiny.
I guess my house will stay a mess…
While I sit here on my hiney.

Boy we all have day’s like these…don’t we?  I found this somewhere (i wish I could remember) while I was…..YES, on my fanny cruising the internet.  🙂  I thought this was pretty perfect for me at this time…..Since I am stuck at home, with my broken leg.  STILL!!  And I do a lot of internet surfing!!  I am SO ready to be back in action at the Quilt Shop!! I miss all of you ladies,  and projects!!

Have a great weekend…..what’s left of it anyway!
