A new tutorial with Vanessa Christensen-from V and Co.

Vanessa, you are such a doll! Thanks for the laughs!

Perfect-cute and easy to do!  Check out this little heart pillow, that Vanessa teaches us how to make!!  I am sure you all know Vanessa.  She is the, adorable fun-loving and hilarious girl behind the blog V and Co. (go say hi!  Tell her we sent ya!)  She always has something funny going on with herself or kids, and has lots of fun tutorials.  She even has a new book out!  And it is awesome!! Can’t wait to share that with you.

We’ve met before, at the last two Markets and we were thrilled to get together ‘for-real’ and bring this tutorial to you!  Thank you Vanessa!





More Quilt Market…

See me up there with Vanessa {V and CO} and Amy {Diary of a Quilter} ?!?!  I ran into them by the Michael Miller booth and couldn’t help myself, I just had to say hi!  Now, can I just say that they are both even sweeter in person than I thought!  It was a quick chit-chat, because well, I already feel like I know them through the blogs.  {know what I mean.}  How funny is that?  We don’t even have to introduce ourselves, we just get right to the “have you decided where you are  moving” blah- blah, blah’s because, we already know what is happening!  Hahah!  Also, I am a HUGE fan of Amy’s and am excited I got to meet her in person!

Now, Jillily’s booth was great!  So cute, in the ‘Ice cream parlor’ theme!  We were so excited, we bought a TON of her new ‘Poke-a-dots’ and can’t wait to share them with you!  We think you will LOVE them. {they are a sticky-reusable thimble.}

So, I am off today to get things ready to drive to the Shop tonight.  I have some major overhauling-redecorating-sprucing up, I am planning for the Shop!  We have so MANY new ideas and plans that we can hardly wait to share with you all!  {squeal-eeek-yay}

Have a great weekend.  {I hope that you get at least a little time to create-sew-or craft}  Whatever you do, be happy.
