Okay, things are crazy! C R A Z Y! And I mean that!! We are busy and growing and ‘Oh-so blessed, but I am tired! I know, I know, it comes with the territory. I can’t complain, even though sometimes I find myself wanting to! LOL! (you know what I mean?)
But things are so good! SO GOOD! You wanna know a little secret? I can’t believe I am telling this here, cause I have neither confirmed nor denied this to several inquiring people….We bought a new (to us) building! No, really….we are going to start the remodeling-building-repairs process ALL OVER AGAIN. And get this: I want the whole place to be done and ready for move in within 2 months! HILARIOUS, right! Did I mention, (or do you even remember, that i live 2.5 hours away from the shop right now?) My husband is planning on getting this all done in his spare time, on the weekends. (with the help of dad and brothers of course!!)
The great thing about this, is the new shop’s location! It is right on the main street of our little town, and is a bigger retail space. We are gonna have way more parking!! (so you can bring your buses, and stay a while!) I am so excited about the window display’s and the awning. Yes, I said awning! I have big (pink) plans for the awning!! I can’t wait to show you, and share the process from the beginning with you!
Okay-Okay, but enough about that. I got the sweetest email from a girl named Kata. She is a beginning quilter and was so excited to make a wacky-web quilt! She bought the kit, which is still out of stock. (we are waiting, not so patiently for the papers to come back in! Thank you, for being patient with that, we way under estimated the market for those.) Anyway, she sent me this picture of a baby quilt and a pillow she made! I literally gasped! I LOVED it!!
Please enjoy, and leave her some love!!

And check out this pillow out! AHHHH-Mazing!

I hope you all have a great weekend! I have plans to sew a bit, and clean a LOT! LOL, the story of my life!!