That’s all it took! I am a HUGE fan of Sandy Klopp, (the designer of American Jane fabric) and when we got the Snippets line in the shop I couldn’t wait to try something out.
Since I haven’t played around much with the turnovers I got all excited and (with Mom’s help) we whipped this little baby blanket up in an afternoon!!
We used one turnover, and a yard and a half of the blue dot (moda) and BOOM it was done! Then to top off the whole thing we scalloped the edges, using this scallop edge tool. Mom quilted it and now all that’s left is the binding. (which is happening even as I type this!!)
Seriously, easy and fun! If you haven’t tried the new turnovers yet, you are missing out!! Don’t be afraid. It is easier than you might think.
My first experience at Market was INSANE…..but one thing I remember (really, a lot of it was a blur!!) was an adorable quilt made by Barbara. You know, the ‘Quilt Soup’ Lady! She was so kind to us and we chatted away with her, and I just had to have the pattern for the quilt called “Bad Dad.” She told us the story behind it and i was just smitten by it. I have children in Elementary School, and our community had just broken ground on our new Elementary building. The timing couldn’t have been better.
So away we went….got home and got to work on this little number we are donating to our Brand New Elementary School. We couldn’t be prouder of our community. We appreciate all of our teachers and students for all the hard work they do. Rumor has it they are planning on hanging it in the office! (I can’t wait to see it up.) Honestly, this quilt was hard for me to give up…..I love the ‘Recess’ line (Sandy Klop is a genius) and I just thought it was so darling…..I so hope they enjoy it (like I would if it was gracing the walls of my house!) hehehe, Okay…I’ll quit whining~
Piece out Ladies…..(teheheheh, get it!?!?) 😉
Oh and one more thing….we are SO busy this week…, seriously heads might explode and everything. But, I am going to give you updates on all of our Quilt show preparations, and booth set up. Yeah, I am gonna be that annoying one with the camera. (hey, whatever helps get me out of all that hard labor.) 🙂
Yup, I got SUPER lucky and extended my weekend, till today! 🙂 It was fabulous, let me tell you. I was able to have a lovely Easter Dinner with family, get housework done, and yesterday I was able to take my kids hiking.  It was a much needed break for me. (and my kids)
The kids loved going “hiking in the woods”.  My youngest (18 months) thought he was in heaven….running down the trails. Before we got out of the park they asked when we could go again!
Charm pinwheels
As you all know, quilting is never far from our minds… I have to show you more things I’ve been working on.
I have always been in love with pinwheels. The basic, classic pinwheels. I have tried to con my Mom into making me a quilt with pinwheels for years, and I just wouldn’t settle on a color selection. Anyway, I love Sandy Klop and her amazing fabric designing skills and had to use her Wee Play line. I. LOVE. IT.   It makes me so happy…, I almost want to sing out loud happy. 🙂 Anyway, here is a little peak at my blocks laid out that I am hoping to get together pretty soon! Does anyone else’ kids think it is the best thing ever, to run over `your laid out blocks!?!??! I caught my little guy in action. Several times!! (that is why I put it away to be finished later!! ) HAhahah!
Well, I hope you all are having a wonderful week…..Seriously. It’s Wednesday, almost to the weekend again!! Woo hoo! Go out and enjoy your day! (or stay in and sew. you’ll enjoy that too!! ) Oh, and BTW….ALL those kids aren’t mine! (I went with my sister… we doubled our numbers!) It pretty much looked like we ran a day care! 🙂