Friends are like fabric. You can never have enough! Okay, so maybe we should add that as much as we love fabric, it should not replace our friends! Just put the two together and you can quilt and shop for fabric WITH your friends! 🙂 Get this week’s printable and display it in your sewing room as a reminder that you can sew with friends! And take them with you to buy some new fabric because you really never can have enough! 😀
For the month of March we’re celebrating National Quilting Month! And how can we make the most of our celebration? By making something every single day! That’s why our focus for the month is #makesomethingtoday. You don’t have to make an entire quilt every single day (unless you want to), but you can make SOMETHING each day. Even if it’s one step of a block or one finished quilt block each day, we believe in doing something small every day.
That sounds reasonable, doesn’t it? Yet, if it was super easy, we would have been doing it all along! There are so many different things that might be keeping you from making something today, whether it’s organization, not having a specific space where you can always go to sew… or maybe you need a little bit of motivation! Today and every Monday in the month of March, we hope we can provide you with a little bit of motivation to #makesomethingtoday. We’re going to be offering a new art printable every Monday, so you can take it to your local printer or even just print it at home. Surround yourself with motivational words and art and maybe you’ll remember to take the time to make something small each day.
Click on the Image to Download your Free Printable
Okay, so maybe quilting isn’t the most frugal choice of pastime, but with our daily deals and awesome specials, you can totally make a quilt for cheaper than a regular visit to a therapist (Quilting should not be used as a replacement for actual therapy). We hope you can display this printable somewhere that will help you remember how good life is when you make time for quilting! Happy Motivational Monday! #makesomethingtoday