There’s a beautiful, old Goose Tracks quilt at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C.
It was made 150 years ago by Mrs. Ellen Parsons of Shelbyville, Tennessee. A hand-written note explains: “Mrs. Parsons planted and grew the cotton in her garden. She picked the cotton and spun it into thread. She wove the threads into cloth to make the lining for the quilt. She pieced and quilted it by hand.” Phew! That’s a lot of work!

This week, Jenny is whipping up a quick and easy version of the Goose Tracks pattern using precut charm packs.

She didn’t spin her own home-grown cotton, but she DID add a darling scalloped border. (Don’t you worry! Jenny will walk you through every step of that fancy bias binding!)
Click HERE to watch the tutorial!