There are some of us who like to feel connected in some way to the mysteries around us. Thus, we read our daily horoscopes and give meaning to our birthstones because whether they hold true or not, fate or folklore, they are a fun way to celebrate ourselves and our loved ones.
To celebrate our birthday this year, we wanted to find a way to set some meaning in stone… or quilt. So we’ve come up with a few birthstone-inspired projects!
Our birthday is in September, making our gemstone, the gorgeous Sapphire. Find your gem color and sew with us!

Now that we’ve got the right colors, let’s start making!
Hexi Gems Quilt

Get your “mod” on with this insanely versatile technique from guest designer, Lisa Hirsh. The pattern includes a blank diagram of the quilt that can be enlarged so you can color and spec-out a creation of your own. The best part is this quilt pattern is a great place for your scraps to end up! Grab the hues you need, and get started!

Watch the tutorial >
Get the pattern >
Burst Block Quilt

The Burst Block pattern is especially fun to use for birthstone memorabilia! The 3-D diamond shape creates life-like jewels exploding from the quilt!
Watch the tutorial >
Get the pattern >
The Gemstones Quilt

Create this vibrant quilt by filling it with different variations of a single stone, or represent several people whom are close to you!

What’s your birthstone? Tell us in the comments below!