May 2020 FREE Quilt Planner

“The world’s favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May.”     

-Edwin Way Teale

Green is waving from the trees, yellow dandelions are popping, and our gardens are blooming. The year is beginning to look brighter, and not just because of spring colors. Though we may have missed weddings and graduations, we makers still know how to celebrate!

As you plan out your May projects for Mother’s Day, baby showers, and other life changing events – remember May represents new beginnings and anything is possible!

Download the FREE May Quilt Planner to keep the celebrations going with colorful projects!

February 2020 Quilt Planner

February is a lot of things – the shortest month of the year, a time to celebrate love with flowers and chocolate, a time to remember and honor the presidents who have served the nation, and even the month of anxiously awaiting a groundhog named Phil to predict the seasons.

What you probably didn’t know is that February also hosts Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day AND Tell a Fairy Tale Day. How fun is that?! February is looking quite fabulous, especially for us makers. With so much to celebrate, there’s a way to find inspiration all month long!

We’re on month two of our quilt planner download. Start planning your month of fun HERE and pick up some supplies you may need:

What stories have you told through a quilt?

January 2020 Quilt Planner Download

Most of us quilters probably had a very similar new year’s resolution – create more. Recently, we’ve laid out the steps in helping us reach our creative goals this year:

  1. Get organized.
  2. Stock up on essential tools & basics.
  3. Plan for big events.
  4. Make planning simple with monthly programs and planners.

Each month, we will release a new printable download to help you stay on course! Get started by downloading the planner for month one below:


What’s something you want to try this year?

Motivational Monday Free Printable: Part 2

Motivational Monday on the MSQC Blog

Strive for Progress not Perfection! | Free Art Printable Download
Click on the image to download your free printable!


As a quilter, I often find myself looking to other quilts for inspiration. There are so many amazing quilts being made every single day (check out our #msqcshowandtell on Instagram for some excellent examples), so between that and weekly MSQC Tutorials, it’s pretty easy to come up with a long quilting bucket list, meticulously prioritized by how excited I am to try out a pattern.

The part that kind of sneaks up on you is that it’s also easy to go to those same sources of inspiration and then compare your quilt to theirs. Maybe your points aren’t as pointy or your squares don’t line up as perfectly as theirs. I’m here to tell you that it’s okay! Don’t compare your work to that of a professional quilter. You are on your own quilting journey! Your latest quilt is probably a little bit better than the last one or maybe you’re more confident to try slightly more difficult patterns. Wherever you are on your quilting journey today, decide to BE HAPPY with the progress you’ve made since your first quilt!

So, enjoy your quilting journey and take the time to celebrate successes. While you’re at it, click on the image above to download your own copy of this adorable word art, so you can print and display it in your sewing room! We hope you can display this printable somewhere that will help you remember how good life is when you  make time for quilting! Happy Motivational Monday and Happy National Quilting Week! #makesomethingtoday

Motivational Monday Free Printable: Part 1

Motivational Monday on the MSQC Blog

For the month of March we’re celebrating National Quilting Month! And how can we make the most of our celebration? By making something every single day! That’s why our focus for the month is #makesomethingtoday. You don’t have to make an entire quilt every single day (unless you want to), but you can make SOMETHING each day. Even if it’s one step of a block or one finished quilt block each day, we believe in doing something small every day.

That sounds reasonable, doesn’t it? Yet, if it was super easy, we would have been doing it all along! There are so many different things that might be keeping you from making something today, whether it’s organization, not having a specific space where you can always go to sew… or maybe you need a little bit of motivation! Today and every Monday in the month of March, we hope we can provide you with a little bit of motivation to #makesomethingtoday. We’re going to be offering a new art printable every Monday, so you can take it to your local printer or even just print it at home. Surround yourself with motivational words and art and maybe you’ll remember to take the time to make something small each day.

Quilting is Cheaper than Therapy Free Art Printable Download
Click on the Image to Download your Free Printable


Okay, so maybe quilting isn’t the most frugal choice of pastime, but with our daily deals and awesome specials, you can totally make a quilt for cheaper than a regular visit to a therapist (Quilting should not be used as a replacement for actual therapy). We hope you can display this printable somewhere that will help you remember how good life is when you  make time for quilting! Happy Motivational Monday! #makesomethingtoday