Mae Emma Plumb was a talented lady.
She sewed and painted and baked excellent pies. She kept a lovely flower garden and volunteered countless hours crafting costumes and planning skits for the local Boy Scout troop. And, best of all, she made quilts.
Years and years have passed – four generations, in fact – but by some magic, one of Mae’s quilts still exists. It belongs to Mae’s great-granddaughter Kate, our very own Missouri Star marketing manager.
Of course, when Jenny saw Grandma Mae’s antique quilt, she fell head-over-heels in love! She did a bit of research and found the pattern in a 1933 issue of the Kansas City Star under the name Economy Block, though some folks call it The Garden of Eden quilt.
This week, we’re using precut jelly roll strips to whip up a show-stopping replica of this treasured family heirloom. It’s called Grandma Mae’s Economy Block, and it comes together easy-as-pie with snowballed corners and sashing that never has to match up!