DIY: Scrunchie & Tech Case

Dive into a new sewing project and create something fun like a tech case or a scrunchie!

DIY Scrunchie, DIY tech case, Tula Pink Monkey Wrench

To make a tech case, you’ll need:

Watch the tutorial >

DIY Scrunchie, DIY tech case, Tula Pink Monkey Wrench

Or make this scrunchie
You’ll need:

Watch Jenny and Misty whip one up in just a few minutes >

Just follow these six easy steps!

  1. Lay your strips right sides together and sew together down one side. Turn the strips over and sew down the other side, creating a tube.

2. Turn your tube inside out. (Iron if desired, but not required since it will be scrunched up by the end.)

3. Grab your elastic and attach a safety pin to one of the ends of elastic and through the end of the tube so the elastic doesn’t fall through.

4. Scrunch the tube up over the piece of elastic.

5. Sew back and forth across the elastic to close the ends together. (You can also tie a knot.)

6. Now, place one end of the tube into the other end and stitch down. Viola! You’ve got a cute, new scrunchie!


We Quilt This City!

We Quilt This City!

Every summer we host thousands of visitors from near and far in our happy little town of Hamilton. Many of these visitors come to us as their end destination or as part of a detour on their road trip. No matter how our visitors get to us, we do all we can to make sure that they have the best experience in Hamilton.

If you needed another excuse to come visit Hamilton this Summer, starting June 21st we are participating in the Row by Row Experience again this year!

The Row by Row Experience is a wonderful program started in 2011 by Janet Lutz to help quilt shops get more visitors in what might otherwise be slow summer months. All the quilt shops participating in Row by Row have their very own free pattern to help you make a quilt block, and if you are the first to complete a quilt using at least 8 different rows from 8 different 2018 participating shops, you win a stash of 25 fat quarters and you win a bonus prize if you use our block and bring it in to our store!

The theme for Row by Row this year is “Sew Musical” and we have our very own pattern called “We Quilt This City.” The pattern features a beautiful appliqué town and music notes, hopefully not bringing just your quilts, but also your community in harmony.

"We Quilt This City"

To get your free Missouri Star Row by Row pattern all you need to do is come to Penney’s Quilt Shop and ask for our Row by Row pattern! Each customer is limited to one pattern. Sorry to all of our online customers, this pattern is only available in person!

The Row by Row experience will run from June 21st to September 4th, 2018, and you will have until October 31st, 2018 to submit your quilt for a prize.