What we’re working on….


The Grinch meets Kate Spain.  And they got along so well!  🙂  We are putting together a quilt using the Kate Spain Flurry layer cake and one Robert Kaufman ‘How the Grinch stole Christmas’ Fat quarter pack!  We also used both sizes of Natalie’s tumbler templates!  (the 5″ and the 10″)

So, if you have both those templates BE READY!  We will write up the directions and tutorial this baby as soon as we’re done!

Hope you have a marvelous day!  Stay cool!  It has already reached 95 degrees here before 9 am!  HOT~HOT ~HOT~


Riley Blake Christmas Fatquarter Bundle Giveaway

So you guys talked me into it.  I didn’t wanna do it, but I can’t resist anymore.  We’re giving away a fat quarter from each of the five fabrics we’re featuring on our site.  (If you want to see the Riley Blake Christmas Fabric check it out)  but since we do the “WEEKLY FABRIC GIVEAWAY” in the forum anyway, I’m putting it up over there.  The rules are simple, just cruise over to this riley blake giveaway thread and reply to the question.  All we want to know is what is your favorite Christmas Tradition.  Don’t reply here, cause we’ll only be counting responses in the forum (if you posted last week when I mentioned I was going to do this, we’ll count that as a name in the hat, but you can get a second chance if you head over to the forums)

Riley Blake Christmas Fabric
Riley Blake Christmas Fabric

So hooray for giveaways and thanks for playing!!