Retreat Center Progress

Hello Friends,

We have been really improving things on the retreat center, and it all seems to be coming together quite nicely!

The last few weeks we have made some major progress! Several weeks ago we got the insulation installed, and the plumbing rough-in started.  Almost all the electrical has been roughed in…and MAN, it’s looking good!

We have managed to save the old tin ceilings, and will re-purpose some of the old windows for decoration. (eek, my favorite!)


We have taken the entire front off the building, and are re-designing how it will look.  We will add a double door and windows to the front. I am trying to get my grandpa to design some stained glass windows also. (cross your fingers for me that he says yes!)  Ahh, it’s going to be awesome!!

Here is a peak into our progress:


Here is how it looks today:  We are almost finished with all the brick tuck pointing! (see the pic at the top)  Hoping to get all the new windows in and doors this week!  We are also starting the sheet-rock by the end of the week, and couldn’t be more thrilled!  (although it will take several weeks to finish!)

We still don’t have a finish date, but are hoping it will be by end of August. Then to start furnishing it and getting it ready for all our amazing forum visitors in October!

I hope you enjoyed seeing a little snippet into our major renovation!  We sure do love a project, don’t we?!

Have a happy day!
