Turnovers…another idea

SO over the weekend I received an email from a member of our forums.  She had used a turnover she bought from us while ago and had this  idea.  I thought it was just darling, so I thought I would show you all  what she came up with.  (in her words)….

“Here in Canada we celebrate Thanksgiving in October, so as soon as it’s over, everyone starts planning for Christmas. The stores start selling Christmas trees, lights, ornaments, and wrapping paper – you know, anything to get us to start spending money. Well I LOVE Christmas and decided that this year, I was going to make a Christmas wall hanging. My goal was to have it done by November 1st so I could put it up the same day the tree went up.

Now, let me backtrack about a month. My husband was going on a business trip to… you guessed it… Missouri! When I found out he was going to be staying not too far from MSQC I jumped online and made a wish list of all stuff I wanted. I asked him to get me a Figgy Pudding charm pack, but somehow he got confused and came back with a Figgy Pudding turnover (he at least got the fabric line right!) That night as I was lying in bed I thought “what the heck am I going to do with TRIANGLES?” As I sat there thinking, ideas started to flood my head, until I came up with a pattern. I’ve never really made a quilt before; I’ve mostly made decorative pillows and Halloween costumes, so I decided that I better try something simple. I auditioned all my triangles until I found the perfect layout and started sewing! I borrowed a cutting mat and rotary cutter from my friend so that I didn’t have to use my pizza cutter (yes, it’s true, I almost did it!) I sewed and sewed and sewed and taa daa…”

picturesfiggypudding Ok, WOW!  Don’t you just love it?  I was so excited to get this in my email, that I knew you had to see it.  Thanks for the ideas and sweet emails we have gotten.  We have the best customers and friends out there, and we appreciate you all.

We hope you enjoyed this idea.  And let us know if you ‘ve decided to make anything with one of our ideas.  We’d love to see pictures!  (but, you already knew that!)  🙂

Stack without the Whack!

We all know about the amazing technique called ‘Stack and Whack’ .  This is our variation on it.  The best thing about it is that we don’t have to whack the fabric.  Lucky for us, Moda has done the hard stuff for us!  🙂  (thank you Moda)  Aren’t you just loving these turnovers?!  So many new things to do with them!

And what is better than that!??!  FREE, yup that’s pretty good to, right?  Check out the Daily deal today!  And tell your friends!

The Friendship Star

How cool is this!?!?  I know.  It’s pretty awesome, huh.  (and so easy!)  I also love the way the Caroler looks against that white background.  What a cheery, happy Christmas Quilt! 🙂

Aren’t turnovers AWESOME?!!??! We love them.  And we’re pretty sure that you will too!  (the best thing since sliced…..well, um the best thing since Charm packs!  For sure!)   🙂


Turnover pin wheels

Pin wheels are one of my most favorite blocks!  I love the look of them and the ease of them.  In fact my very first quilt I ever made was a pin wheel quilt.   Turnovers make them SO easy.  I love how the pre-cuts just take so many steps out and leave me the time for the fun stuff!!  Hope you enjoyed this quick and easy tip.  We’ve got lots more coming!  Have a great week.

Sew and Slice…

Another great idea.  The hourglass block is a fun way to achieve a scrappy look, that tends to look more complicated than it is.  We love it and hope you do too.

Have you tried a turnover yet?   Tell us about it.

Don’t forget to check out the deals on the daily deal.  Great prices ALL week on turnovers!  {think of this as your lucky day!}   Or week.

Have a great day!