There once was a mischievous fellow named Stingy Jack, or so says the old Irish myth.
The Devil – who had been tricked by Jack one too many times – didn’t want him, and heaven wouldn’t take him. So when he died, Jack was consigned to roam the earth forever with a lantern carved out of a turnip. Over time, he became known as Jack of the Lantern or, Jack O’Lantern.

For hundreds of years, Irish folk carved spooky faces on turnips and potatoes to repel the ghost of Stingy Jack. Later, when Irish immigrants arrived in America, they discovered that pumpkins made the best jack-o-lanterns of all!
This week Jenny whipped up a pixelated pumpkin quilt that is sure to spook all your neighborhood ghouls and goblins. She used a custom layer cake that Riley Blake made especially for this project, and it was long-arm quilted with a spider-web pattern. Peek-A-Boo Pumpkin is the perfect size for a Halloween porch quilt, and it’s such fun to make!