So I really should have named this post ‘Buying an old building and trying to remodel it in an efficient manner’ is a NIGHTMARE! I have kept you up on some of the issues we’ve had with our new place, and some I’ve just kept quiet on. I really, really want to to be moved in already!
But, now there is an issue with the carpet. Several issues. I am only going to focus on one….after the seams were all matched together (some off by a bit) we noticed that the carpet was different shades of color. One more brown and one more grey. Really? They swear it’s from the same dye lot. The flooring place we are going through couldn’t believe it either. They want to fix it and make it right, however this puts us weeks behind. We are waiting for them to finish the install anyway, and then when they get the decision back from the carpet mill we’ll decide what to do from there. So potentially, what we are looking at is moving everything in, setting up shop, then moving it all again while they replace the messed up carpet. OH BOY!
So anyway, I know it will all work out eventually….won’t it? I am however really, really excited about what I am about to show you! Dad and Al built this amazing thread display! We got the shipment of thread in and couldn’t wait for the dumb carpet to be done! We just had to put it all out! (thanks, Spenser for making it look so pretty!)

Hello, rainbow of color! So, so excited to announce we will be selling the entire line of Omni thread from Superior Threads! We are also going to have every single color of King Tut variegated thread, too!
So excited and I just CAN HARDLY WAIT TO BE IN OUR NEW STORE!!! I’m hoping it will be sooner than later!
The rest of the week we will be off to quilt Market! Can you believe it’s that time already!? I can’t! I am so glad that Market is in Kansas City, this time! (just an hour away!)
We are presenting a school-house for Moda. To say that I am nervous would be an understatement! I am SCARED silly! Al and Mom, both aren’t nervous one bit. Why did I have to inherit the ‘chicken gene’? LOL. Well, wish us luck! Hope you have a great-amazing-fun filled-weekend!!
We’ll be back with snippets from Market!!