As if we didn’t have enough going on, Mom decided to play a small part in our local community theater! Did you know that theater was Mom’s first love? All growing up we were involved in theater. Mom was always a lead, seamstress and had 7 kids involved! (I am still wishing I had her energy!)
This time is especially special though, cause she has 5 of her grand-kids involved and Natalie, too! The play is called Broadway Bound, and just has fun snippets from various Broadway musicals! It has been a blast.
Last night was dress rehearsal and I was able to snap a few pictures.
Today, I am so thankful for a Mom, who not only taught us everything we know, she was fun and involved. We had so many great experiences and I am grateful that even with her crazy-busy schedule she did this (mostly for her grand-kids) and they LOVE it!
If you are in the area, and want to come see it we’d LOVE that!! The play is Thursday June 14th (eeek, tonight!) through Saturday June 16th
So….whats been keeping you busy? I’d love to know!