AQS Show in Des Moines

So yes, we were there and we met SO MANY of you there too!!  Mom thought it would be fun to take pictures with customers that recognized her……thinking there would only  be a few!  What a SURPRISE!!!  You guys blew us away!  Who knew that so many quilters would recognize her?!!  We were in hysterics by the end of the first day!  I am going to upload about a million (well, not really but so many that I put them into collages.) to Facebook so you can check them out there.  Tag yourself or your friends and share them if you want!  We just had such a great time and we are so grateful to you all for sharing in the fun that quilting is!

Now, check out our booth!


So colorful and cute, right!?!? So amazing what you can do with a template!! Love it!
Natalie and Mom ready to demo some rulers!!

We really did have such a great time and are looking forward to doing several more shows in the future, maybe making our chances of meeting more of you even better!!

What shows in your area are worth going to?  Let us know what you think.

Have a great day and don’t forget to check out facebook to see more pics there!  🙂
